Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Single Tag Search in

When it comes to, there are many ways to do "Single Tag Search". Anyone may get confused whether he has searched the tags in the proper way or not. Well, following are few ways to do single tag search in

Default way of searching Single Tag

In home page, at the bottom you will see "Tags" section --> Click on it.

Check "Tags" at the bottom of page

Click on it --> "Search the tags" in the search bar.

Search Bar

Note: If you want, you can add Filters as well.


Something will appear at the bottom screen based on your input --> search the Tags from the available options.

Available options

Select, Hit Enter and booom, it will Display the results.

"Anal" in available options

Result for "Anal"

There is a major Flaw in this Default search which will be explained at the last.

Directly Searching "anal" or Tag via Home Page

Home Page Search Bar

Result for "anal"

When Searching only "anal" in the search Bar, check the results above, only 100 results, That is because it will "anal" Keyword in the Hentai Manga.
Lets Search "+anal" in the Home page Search Bar.

Result for "+anal"

Reason --> '+' is an keyword which forces to check for "anal" in Tags Section.
Afterwards, you can select the "anal" from the related tags section in the above image or just select "see all" in any of the category.

Most Imp --> Which Ever way you art trying to search tags in the luscious, all of them will lead to a single Page i.e. below image.

Ultimate Landing Page.

So, don't be in a state of Confusion, just do the search and boom.

This ends Single tag search in luscious.



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