Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Single Tag Search in

When it comes to, there are many ways to do "Single Tag Search". Anyone may get confused whether he has searched the tags in the proper way or not. Well, following are few ways to do single tag search in


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Multiple Tags Search & Exclude Tags Using UI(User Interface) in

Searching multiple tags and filtering is pretty easy compared to other sites as they provide UI Filters, if you are not comfortable with Keyword and Symbolic notations.

UI(User Interface) Filters

Before we start with the UI Filters, You actual have to get to the UI Filter's Page --> Don't worry that's Simple --> just select anything from the Manga, Hentai, Porn in the menubar, it will direct you to the UI Filters page.

Browse to UI Page

So, coming back to the UI, it is divided into 8 parts, lets check one by one.

UI Main filters.

Display --> Display refers to filtering by Date, years, popularity and many more.(Its more like a "Sort by")

Display UI

Interests --> It refers to the type of Hentai manga or content you want to see i.e Straight, gay, lesbian, shemale...

Interest UI

Language --> Filter language from English to any language. 

Language UI

Album type --> refers to the whether you want to see only Hentai manga or Picture sets i.e Image-sets OR you want to see Both(Manga + Picture set)

Album Type UI

Tags --> As the name suggest, Tags refers to the exact content, anyone wants to search that may be anal/ glasses / sole female...

Tags UI

Album Size --> Restricting no of pages for the Display Results for searching any content.

Album Size UI

Content Type --> Anime -- Real Porn -- Non Erotic(If you are looking for mood swinger...LOL, that not true, it is also Erotic). It can be only set to one Hentai or Real Porn or Non Erotic

Content Type UI

Genres --> Its is nothing but category.

Genre's UI

Genres is a Broader Classification where as Tags refers to exact content you are searching for.

Searching Through UI Filters

Lets us Consider an Example:

I want the result should show the newest first and it should sort by "Date".
I actually don't care about interest but I prefer "Straight" Manga.
Language should be --> English.
Album --> Anything (It should contain the tags that I am searching).
Tags --> I like anal, Milf but I hate Scat and Moral Degradation.
Content should be Real Porn/Hentai.
Lastly, I don't give a fuck about Genres.

Solution --> Don't forget to "click Apply" after every change.

Filtering Date

Filtering Interest --> "Straight"

Filtering Language --> "English"

Filtering Album 

Including Tags --> "anal" & "milf"

Excluding Tags --> "Scat" & "Moral Degradation"

Filtering Album Size and Content.

Results -->

Result for Content type --> "Real Porn"

Result for Content type --> "Hentai"

So, this is all about Multiple Tags Search & Exclude Tags Using UI (User Interface)


Monday, November 16, 2020

Multiple Tags Search and Exclude Tags Using SEARCH BAR in

Searching via UI Filters can be a pain if your Tag list is length as well not reliable when it comes to changing tags frequently.

For eg:- I have searched anal, milf, ahegao, nakadashi... but now I want to Search anal, milf, glasses.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Permanent Customizing Filters

Luscious Provide permanent customization of few filters like Interest , Genres and Language. Well, this is not very useful as they do not include tags filter.

In order to set this filters, you need to login/Register to

Once Done, you will see "Go to Your Dashboard" at the center of webpage.


Click on it --> afterwards, click on "Change Filters".

Change Filters


Go to settings(at the top right) --> go  to "customize filters".

Customize Filters in settings

Once you have accessed and updated the "customize filters", you can see the results in the home page

First look

What if I select only "Straight Sex"?, where it will affect??

Answer for above query/question

This ends permanent customizing Filters.
